Once Upon a Timeline

S3E17. The Director's Perspective: In Conversation with Suemay Oram Part 2

Episode Summary

We can learn an enormous amount about editing from listening to editors. But we can also learn an enormous amount from listening to the creative people we work with every single day, the people who employ us... directors.

Episode Notes

We all know that the way we work with directors is essential to our career success but how does that actually work? What are the specific character traits that we need to develop? And what are the creative skills that directors are looking for when choosing who is going to cut their films?

We're getting answers to all those questions and more direct from the source this week with the return of award winning documentary director Suemay Oram. Suemay gives a masterclass of collaborative insight from the other side of the edit suite in the concluding part of her guest appearance on Once Upon a Timeline.